david eisenburg

Prof. David Eisenbud

Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, US

/Personal Website: http://www.msri.org/people/staff/de

Email: de [at] math.berkeley.edu

Title: Linearity in the Resolution of Monomial Ideals  (Abstract)

 esfandiar eslami

Prof. Esfandiar Eslami

Department of Pure Mathematics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

Personal Website: https://mathfaculty.uk.ac.ir/en/~esfandiar.eslami

Email: esfandiar.eslami [at] uk.ac.ir

Title: Logic and its Necessity (Abstract)


Prof. Dusa McDuff

Department of Mathemtics, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, US

Personal Webite: https://math.barnard.edu/profiles/dusa-mcduff

Email: dmcduff [at] barnard.edu

Title: New Developments in the Symplectic Embedding Problem (Abstract)


Prof. Curtis T. McMullen

Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, Massachusetts, US

Personal Website: http://people.math.harvard.edu/~ctm

Email: ctm [at] math.harvard.edu

Title: Billiards and Moduli Spaces (Abstract)